• The Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE) is the promoter of the project Equality Platform and Standard, financed by the Programme Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism - EEA Grants 2014-2021 that has as Programme Operator the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG).

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Project Agenda

  • Project Start


  • 1st Partnership bilateral meeting (Iceland)

    Review the status of the project’s development and planning upcoming bilateral activities.


  • 2nd Partnership bilateral meeting (online)

    Review the status of the project’s development and planning upcoming bilateral activities.


  • 4th bilateral partnership meeting (Oslo)

    Review the status of the project’s development and planning upcoming bilateral activities.


  • Workshop on the implementation and revision process of the Icelandic Standard ÍST 85:2012 - Equal wage management system - Requirements and guidance (Akureyri)

    On 27 and 28 October 2022, the Equality Platform and Standard Project held a workshop in Akureyri, Iceland, on the implementation of the Icelandic standard on equal pay for women and men, organised by the Directorate of Equality, the project's Icelandic partner.

    27 and 28/10/2022

  • 4th bilateral partnership meeting (Oslo)

    Review the status of the project’s development and planning upcoming bilateral activities.


  • Portuguese Standard NP 4588:2023 - Equal pay management system for women and men. Requirements and guidelines

    The Portuguese Standard NP 4588:2023 - Equal pay management system for women and men. Requirements and guidelines is now published and available.


  • Presentation of Equal@Work digital platfor

    The public presentation of the Equal@Work digital platform took place on September 20 at the IEFP Auditorium in Lisbon, followed by the Round Table Monitoring public policies for gender in the labour market - Experiences and practices.


  • 6th Bilateral partnership meeting (Lisboa)

    Review the status of the project’s development and planning upcoming bilateral activities.


  • Training on Portuguese Standard NP 4588:2023 - Equal pay management system for women and men. Requirements and guidelines

    The aim of this training was to contribute to capacity building in the field of equality between women and men in the labour market, specifically in equal pay for women and men, as well as specific skills for the implementation of NP 4588:2023 - Equal pay management system for women and men. Requirements and guidelines.

    October and

Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego

Rua Américo Durão, 12A – 1º e 2º piso. 1900-064 LISBOA

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